These beautiful Poly-resin garden planters are ideal for adding a splash of color to your landscape, garden, patio, porch or anywhere in your home. The hand applied finish creates a stunning foundation in which to add your own creative spark with colorful flowers and plants.
There are some great ways to use our planters:
Traditional Flower Planting - Add some additional color with long lasting flowers. We recommend having something tall in the center of the planter like an ornamental grass and then surround that with lower growing or cascading plants with a little more color. Remember to vary the leaf texture and color of the different plants to add interest and variety. Plants that will bloom for the entire season or longer are great additions to this style of planting.
Single Specimen Planting - If you have a large specimen plant like a lily or smaller ornamental tree, you can keep it simple and plant only the one plant. Usually this plant will fill the entire planter and give a beautiful full look. The planter itself can add the color to the scene if the plant doesn't have an abundance of flowers, or it can be a compliment if it does.
- Vegetables - Because the Iris pattern has a 16 inch diameter top dimension, it is ideal for using with container sized vegetables. We love having a patio tomato near the door for fresh tomato's all summer long. There are several varieties that work well for this like "Early Girl", "Tiny Tim" and even "Big Boy". It also makes an excellent herb garden when planted with things like thyme, basil, oregano, chives and sage. Find the herbs that grow well in your area and have fun!
- Water Feature - Our planters are not shipped with pre-drilled holes because you might even want to use them as a water garden! Place pea gravel in the bottom, add a small water pump and fountain, some aquatic plants and water and presto! Now you can have the soothing sound of water anywhere around your porch or patio.

Drainage - If you need drainage holes in the bottom of the planter, this is easy too. Using a cordless drill and a small drill bit, we recommend about 1/4" or less, you can place a few holes that will allow excess water to drain out while still maintaining the full integrity of the planter. One major advantage of poly planters over terracotta, concrete or ceramic is that they tend to retain moisture much longer. A few small drainage holes in the bottom will provide the necessary balance between drainage and water retention. Your plants will thank you for the extra moisture on those steamy hot summer afternoons and your spouse or partner will thank you for not having to water quite as often!
Light Weight - Because our planters are made from a light weight polypropylene, they are easy to move and store after the season. They also stack or nest easily to reduce the space needed for storage.
Finish - The beautiful hand applied finish on our planters has a special UV coating on it. The finish should last for years without fading
Durability - Poly-resin planters are very durable. They resist a lot of abuse and when you are done with them, they are 100% recyclable!
Indoor and Outdoor - Our planters can be used both indoor and outdoors. Weather and the sun will do little to damage them and they are also idea for your indoor houseplants.